Electrical Engineering

Electrical and electronics engineering, the branch of engineering concerned with the practical applications of electricity in all its forms, including those of the field of electronics. Electronics engineering is that branch of electrical engineering concerned with the uses of the electromagnetic spectrum and with the application of such electronic devices as integrated circuits and transistors.

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Vannevar Bush
Vannevar Bush was an American electrical engineer and administrator who developed the Differential Analyzer and oversaw government mobilization of scientific research during World War II. The son of a...
Aleksandr Popov
Aleksandr Popov was a physicist and electrical engineer acclaimed in Russia as the inventor of radio. Evidently, he built his first primitive radio receiver, a lightning detector (1895), without knowledge...
Electronics, branch of physics and electrical engineering that deals with the emission, behaviour, and effects of electrons and with electronic devices. Electronics encompasses an exceptionally broad range...
Charles Proteus Steinmetz
Charles Proteus Steinmetz was a German-born American electrical engineer whose ideas on alternating current systems helped inaugurate the electrical era in the United States. At birth Steinmetz was afflicted...
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was a Serbian American inventor and engineer who discovered and patented the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery. He also developed the three-phase system...
Robert Kahn
Robert Kahn is an American electrical engineer, one of the principal architects, with Vinton Cerf, of the Internet. In 2004 both Kahn and Cerf won the A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer...
Reginald Aubrey Fessenden
Reginald Aubrey Fessenden was a Canadian radio pioneer who on Christmas Eve in 1906 broadcast the first program of music and voice ever transmitted over long distances. The son of an Anglican minister,...
Jay Wright Forrester
Jay Wright Forrester was an American electrical engineer and management expert who invented the random-access magnetic core memory, the information-storage device employed in most digital computers. He...
electrical and electronics engineering
Electrical and electronics engineering, the branch of engineering concerned with the practical applications of electricity in all its forms, including those of the field of electronics. Electronics engineering...
Harold Rosen
Harold Rosen was an American engineer who designed Syncom 2, the first geosynchronous communications satellite. Rosen received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Tulane University in New...
Paul Baran
Paul Baran was an American electrical engineer, inventor of the distributed network and, contemporaneously with British computer scientist Donald Davies, of data packet switching across distributed networks....
Claude Shannon
Claude Shannon was an American mathematician and electrical engineer who laid the theoretical foundations for digital circuits and information theory, a mathematical communication model. After graduating...
Vladimir Zworykin
Vladimir Zworykin was a Russian-born American electronic engineer and the inventor of the iconoscope and kinescope television systems. Zworykin studied at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, where...
Martin Cooper
Martin Cooper is an American engineer who led the team that in 1972–73 built the first mobile cell phone and made the first cell phone call. He is widely regarded as the father of the cellular phone. Cooper...
Jack Kilby
Jack Kilby was an American engineer and one of the inventors of the integrated circuit, a system of interconnected transistors on a single microchip. In 2000, Kilby was a corecipient, with Herbert Kroemer...
Robert H. Dennard
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Steve Wozniak
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Werner von Siemens
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Edwin H. Armstrong
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Electrical Engineering Encyclopedia Articles

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