Retirement Calculator: How Much to Save?

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Planning to retire someday? If so, it’s important to check in with your savings periodically to see if you’re on track. A basic retirement readiness analysis starts with a retirement calculator. But beware: most of the inputs will require assumptions on your part—and those assumptions may or may not hold true.

  • Where are you in your journey? How old are you, and how much have you saved toward retirement?
  • At what age do you plan to retire, and how many years do you plan to live in retirement?
  • How much income will you need in retirement, and how much will be covered by Social Security and/or a company pension?
  • What annual rate of return do you expect on your investments, and how might inflation affect the “real” rate of return?

With these inputs, you can get an estimate of how much extra savings you would need to generate per year in order to meet your retirement goals.

A retirement calculator can be an effective starting point for your retirement planning, given what is known—and not known—right now. But because things change, it’s important to check in periodically, perhaps once per year.

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