On This Day: May 12

Kurt Heintz of Encyclopædia Britannica explores the nursing career and social activism of Florence Nightingale, whose nightly wanderings through medical wards earned her the nickname “Lady with the Lamp.”
Host: Kurt Heintz.


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On This Day, for May 12, by Britannica.
Today we’re looking at

• a different kind of airplane food
• the birth of a censored comedian
• the history of one of the most important professions in modern life

Here’s our first story. To the point of airplane food:

In the fallout of World War II, the Allied powers took control of Germany and divided it into four sections. The capital, Berlin, was deep within Soviet-controlled Eastern Germany but was considered a neutral zone and was split into four parts to mirror the rest of the country. In March 1948 the major Allied powers except the Soviet Union decided to unite their occupation zones into a single economic unit. As a result, Germany became a microcosm of the Cold War and represented the greater conflict at large for more than 40 years.

Like the rest of the country, Berlin went from four parts to two—East and West. In protest, the representative of the Soviet Union withdrew from the Allied Control Council. At the same time, West Germany, and thus West Berlin, adopted a new deutsche mark. This, as interpreted by the Soviet Union, was in violation of their agreements.

On June 24 the Soviets announced that the Allies no longer had any rights to Berlin, and the Soviet forces in eastern Germany began a blockade of all rail, road, and water communications between Berlin and the West.

On June 26 the United States and Britain began to supply Berlin with food and other vital necessities by air. They also organized a similar “airlift” in the opposite direction, in order to maintain West Berlin’s greatly reduced industrial exports. By mid-July the Soviet army in East Germany had increased to 40 divisions, against eight in the Allied sectors. By the end of July three groups of U.S. strategic bombers had been sent as reinforcements to Britain. Tense but never officially at war, this was the peak of the unspoken conflict between the Soviet Union and the West.

Despite dire shortages of fuel and electricity, the airlift kept life going in West Berlin for 11 months, until, on this day, May 12, 1949, the Soviet Union lifted the blockade. The airlift continued until September 30, after which a total of 2,323,738 tons of food, fuel, machinery, and other supplies had been delivered at a cost of $224 million.

Now, that’s chump change to a few countries that, before very long, would together spend tens of billions of dollars trying to beat each other to the Moon. It might not even seem important, but to the people of Berlin it absolutely was.

On this day in 2008 a massive earthquake struck Sichuan province in China. The epicenter of the magnitude-7.9 quake was located near the city of Dujiangyan, about 50 miles west-northwest of Chengdu, the provincial capital, at a depth of 11.8 miles below the surface.
The quake flattened roughly four out of five structures in the affected area. Whole villages and towns in the mountains were destroyed, and many schools collapsed. Some 90,000 people died or were missing and presumed dead.

China’s government quickly deployed 130,000 soldiers and other relief workers to the stricken area. But the damage from the quake made many remote villages difficult to reach, and the lack of modern rescue equipment caused delays that might have contributed to the number of deaths. After a few days China asked for outside help. One week after the quake, China declared three days of official mourning for the earthquake victims.

And now fast facts for May 12th:

Professional skateboarder Tony Hawk was born on this day in 1968. Through his technical innovations, successful equipment and apparel companies, and tireless promotional work, Hawk helped the sport of skateboarding enter the mainstream at the end of the 20th century.

Today is also the birthday of George Carlin. The comedian was born on this day in 1937 and is best known for his monologue “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television,” in which he satirically analyzed the use and misuse of seven of the raunchiest obscenities in the English language. Carlin was arrested in 1972 for performing the monologue onstage, and in 1973 New York City radio station WBAI-FM triggered a lawsuit by the FCC after the station aired a recorded version of the routine called “Filthy Words.” The landmark “Carlin case,” as it was called, was finally settled in 1978 by the U.S. Supreme Court in a 5–4 ruling that gave the FCC the ability to censor offensive content in radio and TV broadcasts. Now, don’t worry, friends, we’re Britannica, we are watching our language. But we can report on anything.

Katharine Hepburn was born on this day in 1907. Known for her performances in classic movies such as Bringing up Baby and Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, the four-time Academy Award winner introduced a strength of character to her roles that was previously considered to be undesirable in leading ladies.

On May 12, 1925, in St. Louis, Missouri, the iconic American professional baseball player, manager, and coach Yogi Berra was born. Originally named Lawrence Peter Berra, he was a key player for the New York Yankees from 1946–1963, during which he played in a record 14 World Series, wining an unprecedented 10 of them.

On this day in 1994, the Cannes Film Festival opened. It showed Quentin Tarantino’s film Pulp Fiction, starring John Travolta, Uma Thurman, and Samuel L Jackson, and won the Palme d’Or. Pulp Fiction became a cornerstone of movie history.

Aboard the semirigid airship Norge, Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, American scientist Lincoln Ellsworth, and Italian aeronautical engineer Umberto Nobile made the first undisputed flight over the North Pole on this day in 1926. Which shows the advantage of keeping good records as a navigator.

Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter arrived in Cuba for a five-day visit with Fidel Castro on this day in 2002, becoming the first president of the United States, in or out of office, to visit the island since Calvin Coolidge’s 1928 visit.

Here’s our closing story for today:

On this day in 1820 British nurse Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy.
Florence was a precocious child intellectually. Her father took particular interest in her education, guiding her through history, philosophy, and literature. She excelled in mathematics and languages and was able to read and write French, German, Italian, Greek, and Latin at an early age.

Nightingale was eventually able to enroll at the Institution of Protestant Deaconesses at Kaiserswerth in Germany, where she learned basic nursing skills, the importance of patient observation, and the value of good hospital organization. In 1853 Nightingale became the superintendent of the Institution for Sick Gentlewomen in Distressed Circumstances, in London – quite a title for a place – where she displayed her skills as a successful administrator by improving nursing care, working conditions, and hospital efficiency.

In October 1853 the Crimean War was declared. The London Times reported that British soldiers in the troop hospitals close to Constantinople were being treated by an incompetent and ineffective medical establishment and that the most basic supplies were not available for care. In 1854 Nightingale led an officially sanctioned party of 38 women to the Barrack Hospital in Scutari and found conditions filthy, supplies inadequate, staff uncooperative, and overcrowding severe.

Nightingale bought equipment and enlisted soldiers’ wives to assist with the laundry. The wards were cleaned, and Nightingale established standards of care, requiring such basic necessities as bathing, clean clothing and dressings, and adequate food. Attention was given to psychological needs through assistance in writing letters to relatives as well as educational and recreational activities. Nightingale herself wandered the wards at night to provide support to the patients, earning her the title of “Lady with the Lamp.” She gained the respect of soldiers and medical establishment alike. Her accomplishments in providing care and reducing the mortality rate brought her fame in England through the press and the soldiers’ letters.

Although primarily remembered for her accomplishments during the Crimean War, Nightingale’s greatest achievements centered on attempts to create social reform in health care and nursing. In September 1856 she met with Queen Victoria and Prince Albert to discuss the need for reform of the British military. A few years later she established the first scientifically based nursing school—the Nightingale School of Nursing, at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London, which opened in 1860. In 1907 Nightingale become the first woman awarded the Order of Merit by the British monarchy.

In 1974 International Nurses Day was established. Celebrated annually on this day, May 12, it commemorates the birthday of the mother of modern nursing while also celebrating the vital role of nurses in health care.

If you, good listener, are a nurse, then we at Britannica honor you today. Thank you for all that you do, for your dedication, and for your bravery in the face of danger.

And thank you for listening. Whether you’re a film buff, a history buff, or just plain buff, there’s always more to read and discover at Britannica.com. Our program today was written by Emily Goldstein and edited by yours truly. For Britannica, I’m Kurt Heintz.

This program is copyrighted by Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. All rights reserved.

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