On This Day: May 10

Kurt Heintz of Encyclopædia Britannica tells the stories of actor and presidential assassin John Wilkes Booth, who was born on May 10, 1838, and others who changed history.
Host: Kurt Heintz.


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On This Day, for May 10th, by Britannica.
Today we’re looking at
• an unstable actor
• a civil rights hero, but probably not the one you’re thinking
• the death of Mommy Dearest
• the price of keeping and sharing secrets in the United States

American actor John Wilkes Booth, a member of one of the United States’ most-distinguished acting families of the 19th century and the assassin of President Abraham Lincoln, was born on this day near Bel Air, Maryland, in 1838.

Booth was the 9th of 10 children born to the actor Junius Brutus Booth. He showed excellent theatrical potential early on but also exhibited an emotional instability as well as a driving egocentricity that made it difficult for him to accept his brother Edwin’s rise to acclaim as the foremost actor of the day.

After an unsuccessful Baltimore theatrical debut in 1856, John played minor roles in Philadelphia until 1859, when he joined a Shakespearean stock company in Richmond, Virginia. He was widely acclaimed on a tour of the Deep South in 1860 and remained in demand as an actor throughout the American Civil War. A vigorous supporter of the Southern cause, Booth was outspoken in his advocacy of slavery and his hatred of Lincoln. He was even a volunteer in the Richmond militia that hanged the abolitionist John Brown in 1859.

By the autumn of 1864, Booth had begun to plan a sensational abduction of President Lincoln. He recruited several coconspirators, and, throughout the winter of 1864, the group gathered frequently in Washington, D.C., where they mapped out a number of alternative abduction plans. After several attempts failed, Booth resolved to destroy the president and his officers no matter what the cost.

On the morning of April 14, 1865, Booth learned that the president was to attend an evening performance of the comedy Our American Cousin at Ford’s Theatre in the capital. I think we all know what happened next, but, of course, you can read about it and more at Britannica.com.

After winning in South Africa’s first elections by universal suffrage, Nelson Mandela was sworn in as president of the country’s first multiethnic government on this day in 1994.
Mandela gained fame and respect for his work and subsequent imprisonment on behalf of the anti-apartheid movement. His negotiations in the early 1990s with South African President F.W. de Klerk helped end the country’s system of racial segregation and ushered in a peaceful transition to majority rule. Mandela and de Klerk were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in 1993 for their efforts.

Once president, Mandela established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 1993, which investigated human rights violations under apartheid. He introduced housing, education, and economic development initiatives designed to improve the living standards of the country’s black population, and in 1996 he oversaw the enactment of a new democratic constitution.

Mandela did not seek a second term as South African president and was succeeded by Thabo Mbeki in 1999. After leaving office, Mandela retired from active politics but maintained a strong international presence as an advocate of peace, reconciliation, and social justice, often through the work of the Nelson Mandela Foundation, established in 1999.
Nelson Mandela passed away in 2013 at the age of 95. His legacy remains strong, and we celebrate his bravery, his advocacy, and his strength every year on July 18th—declared by the UN to be Nelson Mandela International Day.

Fast facts for May 10th:

The Canadian fashion model Linda Evangelista was born on this day in 1965. Evangelista is best known for being the face of brands like Revlon and Versace as well as for her controversial remarks—perhaps most famously, telling Vogue, “We don’t wake up for less than $10,000 a day.”

Irish musician and human rights activist Bono, the lead singer of the band U2, was born on this day in 1960.

Today also happens to be the birthday of actor and dancer Fred Astaire. Originally named Frederick Austerlitz, the vaudeville-turned-Broadway-turned-Hollywood performer was born on this day in 1899 in Omaha, Nebraska.

American cartoonist, children's author, poet, and playwright Shel Silverstein, who was best known for his light verse and quirky cartoons and for writing beloved books like The Giving Tree, passed away on this day in 1999.

In 1956 Jacques Cousteau debuted his film The Silent World at the 9th Cannes film festival. And so on this day, Cousteau walked away with the highest award, the Palme d’Or. Many years later, acclaimed director Wes Anderson would create a much-beloved parody of Cousteau’s life in the film The Life Aquatic, which was released in 2004.

On May 10th in 1977, American actress Joan Crawford died at age 73 in New York City.

And, on this day in 1872, Victoria Woodhull, the unconventional American reformer who championed women’s suffrage, free love, and mystical socialism, and the Greenback movement, became the first woman nominated for the U.S. presidency by the Equal Rights Party at Apollo Hall in New York City. Yes, that’s 1872.

Halley's Comet made a close approach to Earth on this day in 1910. After its much-anticipated reappearance in 1986, the comet was next expected to return to the inner solar system in 2061. Keep your eyes peeled for that one. It’s only a few decades away, right?

And our last story for today.

On this day in 2002, American FBI agent Robert Hanssen was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to spying for Moscow; he was one of the Soviet Union's and Russia’s most-valuable double agents and the most-damaging spy ever to penetrate the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Hanssen joined the FBI in 1976, and, after two years as a criminal investigator in Gary, Indiana, he transferred to New York City, where he worked in the bureau’s Soviet counterintelligence unit. In 1979 he delivered an anonymous package to a Soviet trade office that was a front for the GRU, the Soviet military intelligence agency. The information in the package revealed the name of an FBI mole in the GRU, and for the next two years Hanssen sold similar information to the Soviets, earning about $20,000.

In 1981 he was transferred to the Budget Unit of the FBI’s Intelligence Division in Washington, D.C., and from 1983 to 1985 he was part of the FBI’s Soviet Analytical Unit, where he had access to abundant information on the bureau’s counterintelligence work against the Soviet Union. In 1985 he began to spy for the KGB, the Soviet state intelligence agency. Using the alias Ramon Garcia, he delivered documents and computer files on U.S. intelligence and counterintelligence activities at home and in the Soviet Union; this material revealed numerous double agents planted in the Soviet intelligence system, at least three of whom were arrested and executed. For his work Hanssen was paid a total of $500,000 plus jewelry.

In 1999 he renewed contact with the SVR (the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, which succeeded the KGB after the collapse of the Soviet Union). In January 2001 he was reassigned to FBI headquarters, where he could be more closely monitored. In February of that year Hanssen was arrested while placing a garbage bag containing secret information at a prearranged “dead drop” for pickup by his Russian handlers.

In July he pleaded guilty to having spied for Moscow since 1979. As part of a plea deal, he avoided the death penalty by agreeing to participate in extensive debriefing with government agents. And so, on this day in 2002, Hanssen was given a sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

Once could say that Hanssen paid a steeper price for those secrets than he ever earned.
Thanks for listening today. Whether you’re interested in civil rights, famous birthdays, or international espionage, there’s always more to read and discover at Britannica.com. oday’s program was written by Emily Goldstein and edited by yours truly. For Britannica, I’m Kurt Heintz. This program is copyrighted by Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. All rights reserved.

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