On This Day: May 4

Kurt Heintz of Encyclopædia Britannica explores the lasting impact of the deadly clash between police and labour protesters at Chicago's Haymarket Square on May 4, 1886, in addition to other events.
Host: Kurt Heintz.


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On This Day, for May 4, by Britannica.
Today’s stories are about:
• democracy coming to London… only recently
• where money didn’t figure in a renowned real estate deal
• and why some people think of May 4th as “sort of the 9-11 of the 19th Century.”
May 4 has been a difficult day in several years. Today’s program reflects that.
Our lead story today is about the Haymarket Affair, which happened on this day in 1886. Haymarket square was once just west of the present day Chicago loop. The square is long gone, but the location and events there are marked with a statute today. To get insights into the Haymarket Affair. I spoke with writer and Haymarket historian Chris Mahin. Chris has escorted numerous people, even international guests, to the market location to tell them some of the stories behind this historic event.
Chris Mahin: Well, what happened was there was a demonstration against an incident of police brutality which had taken place the day before and there were several hundred people at a location called Haymarket Square, which is just west of the loop. There were a number of speeches and this was a peaceful demonstration by the standards of the time. The speeches were relatively mild.
And then the police decided at a certain point to break up this peaceful demonstration. They marched up, they demanded that the meeting come to an end. The speaker who was speaking, the last speaker of the evening, said, ‘But officer, we are peaceable.’ [And] then [he] proceeded to start to step down from the wagon on which the speakers were speaking.
And then someone threw a bomb, the dynamite bomb, and that is the first time that that had happened in the history of the United States. Dynamite was relatively new. There was an explosion. The police began firing. One policeman was killed instantly, six others died later, and a number of people, dozens of people were wounded.
And then there began a hue and cry against labor activists in the city of Chicago. Trade union halls were broken into. Immigrant centers were broken into. People were arrested. Eight people were charged with an alleged conspiracy to throw this bomb.

Announcer: Okay, so does anyone today know who threw the bomb?
Chris Mahin: There has been a great deal of speculation. There's one person who fled to Argentina, who some people feel might be the person. But it has never been definitively established of the people who are charged. Several of them were not at the location at the time that the bomb was thrown. Some of them were on this wagon when the bomb was thrown so they couldn't possibly have thrown the bomb.
What can you tell me about the aftermath of the bombing? Were there immediate or long lasting effects?
Chris Mahin: In the most immediate sense, what you have is this day, May 4th, 1886 as sort of the 9-11 of the 19th Century. I mean, what happens is you have this new… essentially terrorism was used. You have a situation in 1886 and afterward where leaders of the union movement of the time are arrested. They're put on trial. They're ultimate. The trial is a travesty. I mean the jury, the judge is biased. The jury that was selected was clearly biased. There are people who were obviously lying witnesses whose credibility was undermined by the defense, but yet their testimony was allowed to stand.
And you have ultimately the conviction of all of them and one sentenced to 15 years in prison, the others sentenced to die. A number of the leaders of the labor movement that time are executed. It does great damage to the growing union movement of the time, but there's also a worldwide effort to save these individuals who are unjustly convicted

Announcer: And so what can we learn from what happened at Haymarket square May 4th, 1886?

Chris Mahin: I think there are a number of lessons.

The first is that despite all of the hype about America being a completely different society than other Western societies, despite the idea of American exceptionalism and the idea that there are no classes in America... I think what Haymarket shows is that there actually are classes. And that at certain times when those classes confront one another very directly and without any cushion – when the economy is such and the politics are such that there is no cushion between the 1% and the 99% – there's a very, very intense class struggle as dramatic and as brutal as in any other country characterized by class struggle, and maybe even more. What we saw with Haymarket is when the powers that be in the city of Chicago decided that these labor activists needed to be taken out, they went out after them in the most brutal manner.

But I think the other thing that we see is that in the United States, I mean even at a time when there's a hue and cry against people, against controversial leaders, I think what Haymarket shows to us, there's a certain basic decency and fair play in the American people that ultimately comes out. Just as after 9-11 where there was people who blamed all Arab Americans or all Muslims, and there was also a response to that saying that was wrong. Or during the McCarthy period there were people, you know, engaged in red baiting and scare tactics, but there are also other people who stood up for civil liberties.

What you see with Haymarket Affair is that in the first few days, these labor activists were virtually alone. But at a certain point, there's a section of the city, the country and the world that rallies to the defense of their rights as the decent thing to do. And so I think that while this incident is correctly known in history as the Haymarket Affair, or the Haymarket Tragedy, there's also this side that should give us hope, that these men were never forgotten and that people did rally to their defense. And ultimately, despite their martyrdom, that they will never be forgotten in history for the courage that they displayed.

The Vietnam War had roots in Vietnam’s struggle for independence from France following World War II. Rather than stand by as France succumbed to defeat and, in so doing, enabling control of Vietnam to pass to communists, the U.S. stepped into the conflict in the 1950s by sending advisors and in 1965 sending active combat units. The fighting went on and on. By 1969 the press took note of rising dissent among university students, as protests against the Vietnam War rose in frequency and size.

On April 20, 1970, President Richard Nixon announced that he was bringing 150,000 U.S. troops home. But on April 30 he announced that the United States would expand its fighting from Vietnam into neighboring Cambodia. Bombing had already begun there in secret.

And so on this day, May 4, in 1970, students gathered on the Commons of Kent State University, in northeast Ohio, to protest the bombing of Cambodia. While peace was the intent of many, the demonstration turned violent. When the protest reached its peak, the Ohio National Guard shot and killed four unarmed students and wounded nine others.
People took stock of the shootings in the aftermath. Only two of the students killed were protesters; the other two were innocent passersby, on their way to class. If not for a Kent State professor and university marshals who prevailed upon the students to leave the scene, students might’ve set upon the guardsmen after the shootings. Neither the students nor the guardsmen were innocent of wrongdoing. Two days prior, protesters had burned down the Kent State ROTC building. But by killing four unarmed students, the guardsmen turned the fate of the country.
In the following days, protests and violence escalated elsewhere in the U.S., echoing the violence at Kent State. Reactions to this throughout the United States were divided, just as they were after the Kent State shootings. On May 8, some 200 helmeted construction workers used their hard hats to attack student demonstrators in New York City. Then on May 15 the country was stunned by another on-campus shooting, this time at Jackson State College in Mississippi which resulted in the deaths of 2 African American students and the wounding of 12 others. Law enforcement officers fired more than 150 rounds in 30 seconds into a Jackson State College dormitory.
The public was shocked by the growing violence. While there were some pro-war reactions, the collected events—and primarily the Kent State shootings—turned the national opinion against the war in Vietnam.
Here are some fast facts for May 4:
Ken Livingstone was elected mayor of London on this day in 2000. That would be an ordinary transfer of power in modern times, until you consider he was the first person in the history of England to be directly elected to his office by the public.
Al Capone began a new life as a convict (number 40886) on this day in 1932, in the Atlanta federal penitentiary. In spite of all the violence associated with Capone, which would’ve called for heavier sentences had he been convicted, Capone was sentenced to serve only 11 years for a crime he could be convicted of: federal income-tax evasion.
Speaking of money, it isn’t always necessary. Did you ever hear of Peter Minuit? He was the Dutch governor of the New Amsterdam colony. On this day in 1626 Minuit first arrived on Manhattan, a quiet island off the Hudson River. Minuit was the fellow who bought Manhattan from the Native Americans by swapping it for trade goods worth only 60 guilders, or what some people have estimated to have been about $24.
The first Grammy Awards were presented on this day in 1959. The album of the year back then? It was by Henry Mancini, The Music from Peter Gunn.
Beastie Boy MCA, otherwise known as Adam Yauch, passed away on this day in 2012 at the age of 47, because of cancer.
Finally, we close on a word of hope and recovery. In the early days of spring, Kansas plains start to turn green with winter wheat. Farmers look forward to harvesting it. Southern winds bring moisture and warmth. The Kansas plains stretch like a broad grid to the horizon, platted by straight roads and square fields. But the springtime peace and order of life in one Kansas town, Greensburg, changed forever on this day, May 4, 2007.
An EF5 tornado nearly two miles wide struck Greensburg. There is almost no place to go when a tornado that size bears down upon such a small town. The tornado killed 11 people, injured dozens more, and left Greensburg looking like a war zone: bare and broken trees, if they were standing at all; demolished buildings; power wiped out; and fragments of homes and businesses strewn across streets. The tornado’s winds were estimated to have been up to 205 mph.
Greensburg’s population dropped by about one-third in the aftermath of the tornado. Yes, there are empty lots where buildings once stood, but the town has rebounded with new and reconstructed homes. Greensburg has been rebuilt to be “green” and is now praised for its high standards of sustainability and energy efficiency. Wind destroyed the town, but today local wind turbines supply power. Some roofs feature solar cells. The Big Well remains a legendary fixture in the town today, an identifying part of the community. Some of the citizens say that their faith in their Creator pulled them through.
The moral here? There may not really be one, except in this observation: Life goes on. It may not be the same as before. But sometimes, despite the losses, it can improve. Hold on, and work for the better.
Thanks for listening today to stories about a stormy anniversary in America’s life, in several senses. If it’s about weather, wars, or labor movements, there’s always more to read and discover at Britannica.com. Give us a look. For Britannica, I’m Kurt Heintz.
This program is copyrighted by Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. All rights reserved.

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