“The Orangutan Conservation Conundrum”

John Rafferty of Encyclopædia Britannica discusses the challenges that oil palm cultivation poses to orangutans. This is the fifth part of the Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction audio series.


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Hi, I’m John Rafferty, I am the editor for Earth Sciences at Encyclopaedia Britannica. Today we are delving into the threats faced by one of our most-beloved and closest relatives, the orangutan.

Orangutans are primates that are very closely related to human beings. They are also not one species, but three, and all of them are classified as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (the IUCN).

In this podcast, we will explore the orangutan’s natural history, the threats to its survival posed by hunting and the palm oil industry, and some of the things we can do to make sure that these animals are protected both now and in the future.

And should you miss something during this talk, don’t worry. You can find it again our website.

Before we take a look at the conservation challenges orangutans face, let’s get into the natural history.

Orangutan is roughly translated in the Malaysian language as “person of the forest”). All three species of these Asian great apes are classified in the genus Pongo, and they are found in rainforests on the Southeast Asian islands of Sumatra and Borneo. The Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) inhabits large portions of Borneo, whereas the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) and the Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis) are limited to northern Sumatra.

Orangutans have cognitive abilities that compare well to those of the gorilla and the chimpanzee, which are the only primates more closely related to humans than the orangutan. Humans and orangutans last shared a common ancestor between them sometime between 12 million and 16 million years ago.
Orangutans are the largest arboreal animals, spending more than 90 percent of their waking hours in the trees. During the day their time spent resting and feeding—mostly on ripe fruit. They consume more than 400 different types of food, however, including invertebrates and, on rare occasions, meat. Almost every night orangutans make a sleeping platform in the trees by bending and breaking branches, leaves, and twigs.

They scramble through the forest canopy on all four hands and feet, and they occasionally swing through the trees using only their arms. Although their legs are short, their arms are proportionately the longest of those of the great apes. On the ground orangutans are slow; a person can easily keep pace with them. They are not knuckle walkers like the African apes but instead walk on closed fists or extended palms.

Orangutans live in a semisolitary social organization that is unique among monkeys and apes. Population densities usually average only two to three individuals per square kilometer (about five to seven per square mile), with adult males having larger home ranges than females.

Female orangutans have the longest breeding interval of any mammal. They give birth only once every eight years on average. Wild females generally first give birth when they are 15 or 16 years of age (after an eight-month gestation). In captivity, females as young as seven have given birth.

Their biology sets up a classic conservation challenge: like many large mammals, orangutans take several years to become sexually mature and do not produce many offspring once they do. As a result, their losses are not easily made up. It takes a long time for their populations to recover from deaths due to disease, hunting, and other forms of mortality.


The Bornean orangutan population has fallen from more than 288,000 in 1973 to a little more than 100,000 today. Some studies project that this number will fall to only 47,000 animals by 2025.

The other two species are even worse off; the Sumatran orangutan population is made up of fewer than 15,000 orangutans, and the Tapanuli orangutan, which was discovered in 2016, has a population of fewer than 800.

Orangutan populations are declining for many of the same reasons other wild animals are declining: habitat loss. For orangutans, habitat loss comes in many forms but it is largely caused by people converting the forests of Borneo and Sumatra to residential areas, farmland, mines and quarries, and roads. Timber harvesting, which also destroys habitat, also takes a toll. There is some evidence that some orangutan habitats are also shifting due to the effects of climate change. Hunters, poachers, and collectors for the illegal pet trade are also affecting orangutan populations.

For example, Hunters killed 2,000–3,000 Bornean orangutans every year between 1971 and 2011.


Palm oil is used in making soaps, cosmetics, candles, biofuels, shampoo, toothpaste, and lubricating greases. It is also used in food processing to make margarine, ice cream, chocolate confections, cookies, bread, as well as many pharmaceuticals. Added to foods, it gives them a longer shelf life without changing the taste of the food.
Obviously, palm oil is an extremely versatile vegetable oil. In addition, the oil palm fruits year round, producing a regular supply.

The oil palm itself was exported from West Africa to Malaysia and Indonesia, where it has been grown on ever-expanding plantations. Forests are typically burned to create this kind of farmland, driving orangutans and other species into smaller-and-smaller fragments of forest. Palm oil cultivation contributes to climate change directly through combustion involved in deforestation. It also contributes to water pollution downstream (because oil palms require pesticides and fertilizers) and soil erosion (because the region experiences heavy rains which can pull soil from farmland when the water runs off).

It is also important to remember that as more and more of Borneo’s tropical forests are cut and burned, hundreds to thousands of other species, in addition to orangutans will be deprived of habitat.

Since habitat loss is the primary driver of orangutan mortality, the most effective solution is to protect as much of the orangutan’s remaining habitat as possible.
When buying paper, furniture, and other wood products, make sure that your money is going to sustainable logging practices. Be on the lookout for the Forest Stewardship Council label FSC. It’s an international non-profit organization that harnesses market demand to make sure that forests are responsibly managed.

Support environmental organizations, such as the World Wildlife Fund, in their push to protect orangutans and orangutan habitats and fund anti-poaching efforts.
Avoid products that use palm oil. As you try to become more environmentally friendly yourself, perhaps you are switching out fossil fuels for biofuels. Make sure you know where your biofuel comes from. Avoid Palm-oil-based biofuels.

As with solutions to so many other environmental problems, one of best answers to the problem of palm oil is to shop locally and eat locally produced foods that are free of palm oils. Use sunflower oils, flax seed oils, and olive oils instead.

Reach out to your local grocery stores and ask them to switch out foods that use palm oils with those that don’t. The not-for-profit groups Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and “The Ethical Consumer,” along with the World Wildlife Fund and Conservation international are good places start.

Contact representatives in your government to develop stringent regulations on the use of palm oils so that they are not used indiscriminately in your country’s foods and other products.

If enough people stop consuming products with palm oil in them, palm oil producers will be forced to make tough choices on how they want their money to be spent. If profits from palm oil production fall far enough, these companies will be pressured to change their business model.

Will a boycott on unsustainable palm oil be enough? This is a complex and controversial issue, because palm oil producers could simply switch to other vegetable-oil-producing crops (such as rapeseed, soybeans, and sunflowers). These crops produce less oil per plant, and thus they would require even more land to meet production quotas.

So, unsustainable agriculture would remain, along with the deforestation, the hunting pressure on orangutans, and the ongoing decline of the region’s biodiversity. Now, in what could be a way out of this vexing problem, some environmental organizations, such as the World Wildlife Fund, are working with palm oil companies to help them transition to more-sustainable production practices that halt deforestation and orangutan hunting on one hand while encouraging the establishment of protected areas and reforestation on the other.

Orangutans are among our closest animal relatives. They are large, intelligent primates who are like us in many ways, despite their unusual adaptations to tropical forest living. So, there’s no shame in admitting that their relatively recent decline might hit us in ways that no insect or other unusual-looking animal could.

Throughout this podcast series, I’ve focused on threatened animals that might, at some level, seem abstract to you. In this case, however, because of the orangutan’s similarities with us, we need to consider something very, very close to home—If orangutans could become extinct, it’s possible that we humans might also get swept up by the 6th Mass Extinction. Perhaps that’s a topic for another time.

For now, we should remember that orangutans are in serious trouble, and habitat loss and hunting are the main causes for their declines. To save these animals, we need to deal with those. Developing more effective conservation and hunting laws would help, along with making sure that these laws can be enforced, but they will take time to put into place.
Meanwhile, we can leverage economic solutions, like reducing palm oil profitability through boycotts and pressuring grocery store chains to avoid products with palm oil.
We can also empower environmental organizations through our financial contributions to lock away large areas of orangutan habitat from development.

Will these be actions enough to save the orangutan?

Thank you for taking time out to listen today, and I hope you learned something new about a group of species that are among our closest relatives on the planet. I hope that you broadened your knowledge about orangutans in general and about the conservation dilemma orangutans find themselves in.

Don’t forget, you can catch up on anything you might have missed on Britannica.com. Learn more about extinction and its causes from our article located at www.britannica.com/science/extinction-biology.

There you can also find other parts of this podcast series.

More information on Orangutans, Palm oil, Poaching, and Deforestation can be found at www.britannica.com.

The Orangutan Conservation Conundrum. Story by: John Rafferty. Produced by: Kurt Heintz. This is the fifth part of the “Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction” series.
This program is copyrighted by Encyclopaedia Britannica Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

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