chorus frog

Mountain chorus frog (Pseudacris)

chorus frog, (Pseudacris), any of several species of tree frogs belonging to the family Hylidae. Chorus frogs are found in North America from Canada to the southern United States and the northern reaches of Mexico. They are predominantly terrestrial and live in thick herbaceous vegetation and low shrubbery. They are not as adept at climbing as are most other hylids.

Chorus frogs typically have a trilling call and a light streak on the upper lip. Most species are about 2.5 to 3 cm (1 to 11/5 inches) long, but the little grass frog (P. ocularis) reaches a maximum of 1.9 cm (3/4 inch), and Strecker’s chorus frog (P. streckeri) may grow to 4.5 cm (14/5 inches).

This article was most recently revised and updated by John M. Cunningham.