Insects, ACO-DUN

When people talk about “insects,” they often mean pests or disease carriers such as bedbugs, houseflies, beetles, mosquitoes, fleas, and hornets. To be fair, though, many insects are beneficial to humans, albeit sometimes indirectly: they pollinate plants, produce useful substances, control pest insects, act as scavengers, and serve as food for other animals. Some insects, such as butterflies, are beautiful to behold, and insects such as ladybugs flaunt eye-catching colors and patterns.
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Insects Encyclopedia Articles By Title

acorn and nut weevil
acorn and nut weevil, (subfamily Curculioninae), any of approximately 45 species of weevils in the family Curculionidae......
admiral, (subfamily Limentidinae), any of several butterfly species in the family Nymphalidae (order Lepidoptera)......
Aedes, (genus Aedes), genus of more than 950 species of mosquitoes, some members of which are serious biting nuisances......
Africanized honeybee
Africanized honeybee, (Apis mellifera scutellata ×A. mellifera), hybrid honeybee resulting from the accidental......
alderfly, any insect of the megalopteran family Sialidae, characterized by long, filamentous antennae and two pairs......
alfalfa weevil
alfalfa weevil, (Hypera postica), insect pest of the family Curculionidae (order Coleoptera) whose larvae damage......
ambush bug
ambush bug, (subfamily Phymatinae), any of 291 species of bugs (order Heteroptera) that are most abundant in the......
ant, (family Formicidae), any of approximately 10,000 species of insects that are social in habit and live together......
anthomyiid fly
anthomyiid fly, (family Anthomyiidae), any of a group of common flies (order Diptera) that resemble the housefly......
antlike flower beetle
antlike flower beetle, any of the approximately 1,000 species of the insect family Anthicidae (order Coleoptera).......
antlion, (family Myrmeleontidae), family of about 2,000 species of insects that are named for the predatory nature......
aphid, (family Aphididae), any of a group of sap-sucking, soft-bodied insects (order Homoptera) that are about......
Apocrita, one of two suborders of the insect order Hymenoptera, the other being Symphyta. Included in the group......
apterygote, broadly, any of the primitive wingless insects, distinct from the pterygotes, or winged insects. Used......
Asian longhorned beetle
Asian longhorned beetle, (Anoplophora glabripennis), species of beetle (order Coleoptera, family Cerambycidae),......
asparagus beetle
asparagus beetle, (genus Crioceris or Lema), any member of two genera that are important pests of the leaf beetle......
assassin bug
assassin bug, (family Reduviidae), any of about 7,000 species of insects in the true bug order, Heteroptera (Hemiptera),......
backswimmer, (family Notonectidae), any of a group of insects (order Heteroptera) that occur worldwide and are......
bagworm moth
bagworm moth, (family Psychidae), any of a family of insects (order Lepidoptera) that are found worldwide and named......
balloon fly
balloon fly, (family Acroceridae), any member of a family of flies in the insect order Diptera that are named for......
bark beetle
bark beetle, any of more than 2,000 species of bark beetles classified in the subfamily Scolytinae (along with......
bark-gnawing beetle
bark-gnawing beetle, (family Trogossitidae), any of some 500 species of beetles (order Coleoptera) that are found......
bat bug
bat bug, (family Polyctenidae), any of about 20 species of bloodsucking insects (order Heteroptera) that are external......
bat fly
bat fly, any insect belonging to the two families Nycteribiidae and Streblidae (order Diptera). Members of the......
bedbug, (family Cimicidae), any of about 75 species of insects in the true bug order, Heteroptera, that feed on......
bee, (superfamily Apoidea), any of more than 20,000 species of insects in the suborder Apocrita (order Hymenoptera),......
bee fly
bee fly, any insect of the family Bombyliidae (order Diptera). Many resemble bees, and most have long proboscises......
bess beetle
bess beetle, (family Passalidae), any of approximately 500 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) mostly......
billbug, (subfamily Rhynchophorinae), any stout-bodied beetle of the family Curculionidae (insect order Coleoptera)......
bird louse
bird louse, (suborder Amblycera and Ischnocera), any of two groups of chewing lice (order Phthiraptera) that live......
biting midge
biting midge, (family Ceratopogonidae), any member of a family of small, bloodsucking insects in the fly order,......
black fly
black fly, (family Simuliidae), any member of a family of about 1,800 species of small, humpbacked flies in the......
blister beetle
blister beetle, (family Meloidae), any of approximately 2,500 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) that......
blow fly
blow fly, (family Calliphoridae), any member in a family of insects in the fly order, Diptera, that are metallic......
blue butterfly
blue butterfly, (subfamily Polyommatinae), any member of a group of insects in the widely distributed Lycaenidae......
boll weevil
boll weevil, (Anthonomus grandis), beetle of the insect family Curculionidae (order Coleoptera), a cotton pest......
bollworm, any larvae of various moths (order Lepidoptera), including the pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella,......
bookworm, any insect (e.g., moths, beetles) whose larval (or adult) forms injure books by gnawing the binding and......
borer beetle
borer beetle, any of a number of species of insects that are included in the family Anobiidae (order Coleoptera).......
bot fly
bot fly, (family Oestridae), any member of a family of insects in the fly order, Diptera, in which the adults are......
braconid, (family Braconidae), any of more than 15,000 species of parasitic wasps (order Hymenoptera) that are......
branch and twig borer
branch and twig borer, (family Bostrichidae), any of approximately 700 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera)......
bristletail, (order Archaeognatha), any of approximately 350 species of primitive wingless insects that measure......
brush-footed butterfly
brush-footed butterfly, (family Nymphalidae), any of a group of butterflies (order Lepidoptera) that are named......
bullet ant
bullet ant, (Paraponera clavata), large predatory neotropical ant known for its extremely painful sting. The bullet......
bumblebee, (genus Bombus), genus of over 250 species of large bees. Bumblebees occur over much of the world but......
burrower bug
burrower bug, (family Cydnidae), any of some 750 species of insects (order Heteroptera) that burrow underground......
butterfly, (superfamily Papilionoidea), any of numerous species of insects belonging to multiple families. Butterflies,......
cabbage looper
cabbage looper, (Trichoplusia ni), distinctive green, white-lined larva, or caterpillar, in the owlet moth family......
cabbage white
cabbage white, either of two species of butterfly with larvae that feed on cabbage and related plants. The small,......
caddisfly, (order Trichoptera), any of a group of mothlike insects that are attracted to lights at night and live......
carpenter bee
carpenter bee, (subfamily Xylocopinae), any of a group of small bees in the family Anthophoridae (order Hymenoptera)......
carpenter moth
carpenter moth, (family Cossidae), any member of a group of insects in the moth and butterfly order, Lepidoptera,......
carpet moth
carpet moth, (genus Trichophaga), any of several small, delicate moths in the order Lepidoptera that settle with......
carrion beetle
carrion beetle, (family Silphidae), any of a group of beetles (insect order Coleoptera), most of which feed on......
casebearer, (family Coleophoridae), any larva of a group of moths (order Lepidoptera) that are characteristically......
casebearing leaf beetle
casebearing leaf beetle, (subfamily Cryptocephalinae and Lamprosomatinae), any member of two groups within the......
caterpillar, larva of a butterfly or moth (Lepidoptera). Most caterpillars have cylindrical bodies consisting of......
chafer, (subfamily Melolonthinae), any of a group of beetles in the family Scarabaeidae (insect order Coleoptera).......
chalcid, (superfamily Chalcidoidea), any of more than 22,000 species of rather small parasitic wasps (order Hymenoptera).......
checkered beetle
checkered beetle, any of the approximately 3,000 species of the insect family Cleridae (order Coleoptera). Checkered......
chewing louse
chewing louse, (suborder Amblycera and Ischnocera), any of about 2,900 species of small, wingless insects (order......
chinch bug
chinch bug, (Blissus leucopterus), important grain and corn pest belonging to the insect family Lygaeidae (order......
cicada, (family Cicadidae), family of more than 3,000 species of sound-producing insects. Cicadas are found in......
cicada-killer wasp
cicada-killer wasp, (Sphecius speciosus), a species of large wasp in the family Sphecidae (order Hymenoptera) that......
clearwing moth
clearwing moth, (family Sesiidae), any of approximately 1,000 species of moths (order Lepidoptera) that are long-legged......
click beetle
click beetle, (family Elateridae), family of approximately 7,000 species of beetles named for the clicking noise......
cobalt milkweed beetle
cobalt milkweed beetle, (Chrysochus cobaltinus), species of leaf beetle found throughout the far western United......
cockchafer, (Melolontha melolontha), a large European beetle that is destructive to foliage, flowers, and fruit......
cockroach, (order Blattodea), any of about 4,600 species of insects, a few species of which are pests. Most cockroaches......
coleopteran, (order Coleoptera), any member of the insect order Coleoptera, consisting of the beetles and weevils.......
Colorado potato beetle
Colorado potato beetle, (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), species of leaf beetle that is an economically important pest......
comb-clawed beetle
comb-clawed beetle, (subfamily Alleculinae), any of numerous insects in the order Coleoptera that are known for......
cone-headed grasshopper
cone-headed grasshopper, any insect of the subfamily Copiphorinae within the long-horned grasshopper family Tettigoniidae......
copper butterfly
copper butterfly, (subfamily Lycaeninae), any member of a group of butterflies in the gossamer-winged butterfly......
coreid bug
coreid bug, (family Coreidae), any of 2,000 widely distributed species of bugs (order Heteroptera), many of which......
corn earworm
corn earworm, larva of the moth Heliothis zea (in some classifications H. armigera; family Noctuidae). The smooth,......
cottony-cushion scale
cottony-cushion scale, (Icerya purchasi), a scale insect pest (order Homoptera), especially of California citrus......
crane fly
crane fly, any insect of the family Tipulidae (order Diptera). Crane flies have a slender mosquito-like body and......
creeping water bug
creeping water bug, any flat-backed, oval-shaped insect of the family Naucoridae (order Heteroptera), which numbers......
cricket, (family Gryllidae), any of approximately 2,400 species of leaping insects (order Orthoptera) that are......
cuckoo wasp
cuckoo wasp, any member of a large and widely distributed family of solitary (non-social) parasitic wasps. All......
cucumber beetle
cucumber beetle, any of several species of leaf beetles of the subfamily Galerucinae that are important pests.......
curculio, any of various stout-bodied weevils of the beetle family Curculionidae (order Coleoptera). Among the......
cutworm, Larva of certain species of owlet moths (family Noctuidae). The cutworm (not a true worm) is a serious......
damsel bug
damsel bug, (family Nabidae), any predacious insect in the true bug order, Heteroptera, that feeds on insect eggs,......
damselfly, (suborder Zygoptera), any of a group of predatory, aerial insects that are in the order Odonata. Damselflies......
dance fly
dance fly, (family Empididae), any member of a family of insects in the fly order, Diptera, that are named for......
darkling beetle
darkling beetle, (family Tenebrionidae), any of approximately 20,000 species of insects in the order Coleoptera......
deathwatch beetle
deathwatch beetle, (Xestobium rufovillosum), an anobiid, or borer insect, of the family Anobiidae (insect order......
dermestid beetle
dermestid beetle, (family Dermestidae), any of approximately 700 species of beetles (insect order Coleoptera) that......
diamondback moth
diamondback moth, (Plutella xylostella), species of moth in the family Yponomeutidae (order Lepidoptera) that is......
dipluran, (order Diplura), any of a group of about 800 species of small primitive wingless insects, considered......
dobsonfly, any of a group of insects in the subfamily Corydalinae (order Megaloptera) that are usually large and......
dogbane beetle
dogbane beetle, (Chrysochus auratus), species of leaf beetle native to eastern North America. It feeds on dogbane......
dragonfly, (suborder Anisoptera), any of a group of roughly 3,000 species of aerial predatory insects most commonly......
driver ant
driver ant, African member of the insect subfamily Dorylinae (family Formicidae; order Hymenoptera) characterized......
Drosophila, genus of flies commonly known as vinegar flies but also misleadingly called fruit flies. See vinegar...
dung beetle
dung beetle, (subfamily Scarabaeinae), any of a group of beetles in the family Scarabaeidae (insect order Coleoptera)......

Insects Encyclopedia Articles By Title