Scriptures, MAX-PHI

Sacred scriptures of all religions, viewed as the word of God or inspired by God, have influenced the moral and ethical standards of countries, peoples, and religious groups. Their interpretation has long been a subject of discussion and, at times, controversy.
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Scriptures Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Maximus the Confessor, St.
St. Maximus the Confessor ; Eastern feast day January 21; Western feast day August 13) was the most important Byzantine......
Maximus The Greek
Maximus The Greek was a Greek Orthodox monk, Humanist scholar, and linguist, whose principal role in the translation......
Megillah, in the Hebrew Bible, any of the five sacred books of the Ketuvim (the third division of the Old Testament),......
Meir Of Rothenburg
Meir Of Rothenburg was a great rabbinical authority of 13th-century German Jewry and one of the last great tosaphists......
Melchizedek, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), a figure of importance in biblical tradition because he was both......
Melito of Sardis
Melito of Sardis was a Greek bishop of Sardis in Lydia (now in Turkey), whose rediscovered theological treatise......
Menahem was a king of Israel whose 10-year reign was distinguished for its cruelty. Events of his rule are related......
Mencius, Confucian text, named for its author, that earned for the 4th-century-bce philosopher the title ya sheng......
Mendelssohn, Moses
Moses Mendelssohn was a German Jewish philosopher, critic, and Bible translator and commentator who greatly contributed......
Mephistopheles, familiar spirit of the Devil in late settings of the legend of Faust. It is probable that the name......
Mesrop Mashtots, St.
St. Mesrop Mashtots ; Western feast day, Thursday following 4th Sunday after Pentecost, and Monday following 3rd......
Metatron, the greatest of angels in Jewish myths and legends. Metatron is not a figure of the Hebrew Bible, but......
Methuselah, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), patriarch whose life span as recorded in Genesis (5:27) was 969......
Meïr was a rabbi who was among the greatest of the tannaim, the group of some 225 masters of the Jewish Oral Law......
Micah, Book of
Book of Micah, the sixth of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets, grouped together......
Michael, in the Bible and in the Qurʾān (as Mīkāl), one of the archangels. He is repeatedly depicted as the “great......
middot, (Hebrew: “measure,” or “norms”), in Jewish hermeneutics or biblical interpretation, methods or principles......
Midrash, a mode of biblical interpretation prominent in the Talmudic literature. The term is also used to refer......
Milescu, Nicolae
Nicolae Milescu was a Moldavian writer, scholar, and traveler. After studies at the Greek patriarchate college......
Milinda-panha, lively dialogue on Buddhist doctrine with questions and dilemmas posed by King Milinda—i.e., Menander,......
Minucius Felix, Marcus
Marcus Minucius Felix was one of the earliest Christian Apologists to write in Latin. A Roman lawyer, he wrote......
Mishna, the oldest authoritative postbiblical collection and codification of Jewish oral laws, systematically compiled......
Mishne Torah
Mishne Torah, extensive commentary on the Talmud, composed in the 12th century by the renowned Jewish philosopher......
missal, type of book containing the prayers, important chants, responses, and necessary instructions for the celebration......
Moffat, Robert
Robert Moffat was a Scottish missionary to Africa and Bible translator, who was known for his efforts to improve......
Moffatt, James
James Moffatt was a Scottish biblical scholar and translator who singlehandedly produced one of the best-known......
Moggaliputtatissa, president of the third Buddhist council (c. 250 bce) and author of the Kathāvatthu (“Points......
Moon, Sun Myung
Sun Myung Moon was a South Korean religious leader who in 1954 founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification......
Moore, George Foot
George Foot Moore was an American Old Testament scholar, theologian and Orientalist, whose knowledge and understanding......
Morgan, William
William Morgan was an Anglican bishop of the Reformation whose translation of the Bible into Welsh helped standardize......
Morin, Jean
Jean Morin was a French theologian and biblical scholar who produced major studies on the history and discipline......
Mormon, Book of
Book of Mormon, work accepted as holy scripture, in addition to the Bible, in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day......
Moroni, according to the teaching of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, an angel or resurrected being......
Morrison, Robert
Robert Morrison was a Presbyterian minister, translator, and the London Missionary Society’s first missionary to......
Moses was a Hebrew prophet, teacher, and leader who, in the 13th century bce (before the Common Era, or bc), delivered......
Moses, Assumption of
Assumption of Moses, a pseudepigraphal work (not in any biblical canon), a prophecy of the future relating to Israel,......
Mowinckel, Sigmund
Sigmund Mowinckel was a Norwegian biblical scholar and the founder of the Scandinavian school of Old Testament......
Moʿed, (Hebrew: “Festival”), second of the six major divisions, or orders (sedarim), of the Mishna (codification......
Mqhayi, S.E.K.
S.E.K. Mqhayi was a Xhosa poet, historian, and translator who has been called the “father of Xhosa poetry.” Mqhayi,......
Muhammad was the founder of Islam and the proclaimer of the Qurʾān. He is traditionally said to have been born......
Munkar and Nakīr
Munkar and Nakīr, in Islāmic eschatology, two angels who test the faith of the dead in their tombs. After death,......
Muratorian Fragment
Muratorian Fragment, a late 2nd-century-ce fragment of a Latin list of New Testament writings then regarded by......
Muslim Brotherhood
Muslim Brotherhood, religiopolitical organization founded in 1928 at Ismailia, Egypt, by Hassan al-Banna. Islamist......
Müller, Max
Max Müller was a German scholar of comparative language, religion, and mythology. Müller’s special areas of interest......
Müntzer, Thomas
Thomas Müntzer was a leading German radical reformer during the Protestant Reformation, a fiery and apocalyptic......
Māra, the Buddhist “Lord of the Senses,” who was the Buddha’s temptor on several occasions. When the bodhisattva......
Mīkāl, in Islam, archangel said to effectuate God’s rizq (providence) as well as natural phenomena, such as rain,......
Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, (Sanskrit: “Fundamentals of the Middle Way”), Buddhist text by Nāgārjuna, the exponent of......
Nagarjuna was an Indian Buddhist philosopher who articulated the doctrine of emptiness (shunyata) and is traditionally......
Nahum, Book of
Book of Nahum, the seventh of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets (grouped together......
Nashim, (Hebrew: “Women”), the third of the six major divisions, or orders (sedarim), of the Mishna (codification......
Naḥmanides was a Spanish scholar and rabbi and Jewish religious leader. He was also a philosopher, poet, physician,......
Nehemiah was a Jewish leader who supervised the rebuilding of Jerusalem in the mid-5th century bce after his release......
Nemesius Of Emesa
Nemesius Of Emesa was a Christian philosopher, apologist, and bishop of Emesa (now Ḥimṣ, Syria) who was the author......
Neviʾim, the second division of the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament, the other two being the Torah (the Law) and......
New Testament
New Testament, second, later, and smaller of the two major divisions of the Christian Bible, and the portion that......
New-England Primer, The
The New-England Primer, the principal textbook for millions of colonists and early Americans. First compiled and......
Newman, St. John Henry
St. John Henry Newman ; canonized October 13, 2019; feast day October 9) was an influential churchman and man of......
Newton, John
John Newton was an English slave trader who became an Anglican minister, a hymn writer, and later a noted abolitionist,......
Neziqin, (Hebrew: “Damages”), the fourth of the six major divisions, or orders (sedarim), of the Mishna (codification......
Nicene Creed
Nicene Creed, a Christian statement of faith that is the only ecumenical creed because it is accepted as authoritative......
Nicholas III
Nicholas III was an Eastern Orthodox patriarch of Constantinople (1084–1111), theologian and liturgical scholar......
Nicholas Of Hereford
Nicholas Of Hereford was a theological scholar and advocate of the English reform movement within the Roman Church......
Nicodemus, in the Gospel According to John, a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews at the time of Jesus’ preaching and......
Nicodemus The Hagiorite, Saint
Saint Nicodemus the Hagiorite ; canonized May 31, 1955) was a Greek Orthodox monk and author of ascetic prayer......
Nimrod, legendary biblical figure of the book of Genesis. Nimrod is described in Genesis 10:8–12 as “the first......
Noah, the hero of the biblical Flood story in the Old Testament book of Genesis, the originator of vineyard cultivation,......
Noth, Martin
Martin Noth was a German biblical scholar who specialized in the early history of the Jewish people. In his book......
number of the beast
number of the beast, well-known instance of biblical numerology appearing in chapter 13, verse 18 of the Revelation......
Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible. The English title is a translation of the Septuagint (Greek) title referring......
Nöldeke, Theodor
Theodor Nöldeke was a German Orientalist noted for his Semitic and Islamic studies, which included a history of......
Obadiah, Book of
Book of Obadiah, the fourth of 12 Old Testament books that bear the names of the Minor Prophets, in the Jewish......
Oecolampadius, Johann
Johann Oecolampadius was a German humanist, preacher, and patristic scholar who, as a close friend of the Swiss......
Old Testament
Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible as interpreted among the various branches of Christianity. In Judaism the Hebrew......
Olives, Mount of
Mount of Olives, multi-summit limestone ridge just east of the Old City of Jerusalem and separated from it by the......
Origen was the most important theologian and biblical scholar of the early Greek church. His greatest work is the......
Orm was an Augustinian canon, author of an early Middle English book of metrical homilies on the Gospels, to which......
Pagninus, Santes
Santes Pagninus was a Dominican scholar whose Latin version of the Hebrew Bible—the first since St. Jerome’s—greatly......
Pali canon
Pali canon, the complete canon, first recorded in Pali, of the Theravada (“Way of the Elders”) branch of Buddhism.......
Palmer, E.H.
E.H. Palmer was an English Orientalist, distinguished as a linguist and as a traveler. Among his many translations......
Papias was a bishop of Hierapolis, in Phrygia (now in Turkey), and one of the Apostolic Fathers. His work Explanation......
Paramārtha was an Indian Buddhist missionary and translator whose arrival in China in 546 was important in the......
patristic literature
patristic literature, body of literature that comprises those works, excluding the New Testament, written by Christians......
Paul the Apostle, St.
St. Paul the Apostle was one of the leaders of the first generation of Christians, often considered to be the most......
Paul, Acts of
Acts of Paul, one of the earliest of a series of pseudepigraphal (noncanonical) New Testament writings known collectively......
Paulinus Of Nola, Saint
Saint Paulinus of Nola ; feast day June 22) was the bishop of Nola and one of the most important Christian Latin......
Pazuzu, in Mesopotamian religion, the king of wind demons, son of Hanpa and brother of Humbaba (Huwawa). Adherents......
Pedersen, Christiern
Christiern Pedersen was a Danish humanist who was among the first to rediscover Denmark’s national literary and......
Pedersen, Johannes Peder Ejler
Johannes Peder Ejler Pedersen was a Danish Old Testament scholar and Semitic philologist, important for his conception......
peshaṭ, (Hebrew: “spread out”), in Jewish hermeneutics, the simple, obvious, literal meaning of a biblical text.......
Peshitta, Syriac version of the Bible, the accepted Bible of Syrian Christian churches from the end of the 3rd......
Peter Chrysologus, Saint
Saint Peter Chrysologus ; feast day July 30) was the archbishop of Ravenna, whose orthodox discourses earned him......
Peter the Apostle, St.
St. Peter the Apostle was a disciple of Jesus Christ, recognized in the early Christian church as the leader of......
Peter, Apocalypse of
Apocalypse of Peter, pseudepigraphal (noncanonical and unauthentic) Christian writing dating from the first half......
Peter, Gospel of
Gospel of Peter, pseudepigraphal (noncanonical and unauthentic) Christian writing of the mid-2nd century ad, the......
Peter, Letters of
Letters of Peter, two New Testament writings attributed to St. Peter the Apostle but perhaps written during the......
Petri, Laurentius
Laurentius Petri was a Lutheran churchman, a leader of the Protestant Reformation in Sweden and the first Protestant......
Petri, Olaus
Olaus Petri was a Lutheran churchman who, with his brother Laurentius, played a decisive role in the reformation......
Philemon, Letter of Paul to
Letter of Paul to Philemon, brief New Testament letter written by St. Paul the Apostle to a wealthy Christian of......
Philippians, Letter of Paul to the
Letter of Paul to the Philippians, eleventh book of the New Testament, written by St. Paul the Apostle to the Christian......

Scriptures Encyclopedia Articles By Title