John Ireland: Facts & Related Content

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Born September 11, 1838 • Ireland
Died September 25, 1918 (aged 80) • Saint PaulMinnesota • (Anniversary in 6 days)
Subjects Of Study AmericanizationRoman Catholicismtheological liberalism


George Tyrrell
Irish theologian
John Dominic Crossan
Irish-born American theologian
Murray, John Courtney
American theologian
Bushnell, Horace
Horace Bushnell
American theologian
John Scotus Erigena
Irish philosopher
Parker, Theodore
Theodore Parker
American theologian
Marymount School, New York
Mother Marie Joseph Butler
Irish Roman Catholic nun
Sister Julia McGroarty
American religious leader
John England
American bishop
Mother Teresa Lalor
Irish-American religious leader
John Hughes
John Hughes
American archbishop
Desiderius Erasmus
Dutch humanist
St. Ignatius of Loyola
St. Ignatius of Loyola
Spanish saint
Jan Hus
Jan Hus
Bohemian religious leader
Newman, John Henry
St. John Henry Newman
British theologian
John Wycliffe
John Wycliffe
English theologian
William of Ockham
English philosopher
Jansen, engraving by Jean Morin
Cornelius Otto Jansen
Flemish theologian