New Deal: Facts & Related Content

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Date 1933 - 1939
Location United States
Context Great Depression

Did You Know?

  • The Works Progress Administration not only built public works but also funded artists, theatre, writers, and musicians.
  • The prevalent use of acronyms to refer to New Deal programs led to comparisons between the New Deal and alphabet soup.
  • FDR used his fireside chats to urge Americans to put money back into banks, which helped them to recover.

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Key People

Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
president of United States
Charles Evans Hughes
Charles Evans Hughes
United States jurist and statesman
Rayburn, Sam
Sam Rayburn
American politician
Harlan Fiske Stone, 1929.
Harlan Fiske Stone
chief justice of United States Supreme Court
Harry L. Hopkins
Harry L. Hopkins
United States government official
Robert F. Wagner.
Robert F. Wagner
United States senator
Henry A. Wallace
Henry A. Wallace
vice president of United States
Jackson, Robert H.
Robert H. Jackson
United States jurist
William E. Borah
American politician
John Nance Garner
John Nance Garner
vice president of United States
Byrnes, James F.
James F. Byrnes
American jurist
Alben Barkley
Alben W. Barkley
vice president of United States
Harold L. Ickes
United States government official
Robinson, Joseph T.
Joseph T. Robinson
American lawyer and politician
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.
Henry Morgenthau, Jr.
United States statesman
Thomas G. Corcoran
American lawyer and government official
