Nikolay Sergeyevich Trubetskoy: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Nikolaj Sergejeviè Trubetzkoy
Born April 16, 1890 • MoscowRussia
Died June 25, 1938 (aged 48) • ViennaAustria
Movement / Style Prague school
House / Dynasty Trubetskoy family
Subjects Of Study phonologystructural linguisticsSlavic languagesphoneme

Vilém Mathesius
Czech linguist
Roman Jakobson
American linguist
Members of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chicago, c. 1926.
Edward Sapir
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Kenneth L. Pike
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August Leskien
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Dobrovský, detail of an oil painting by J. Tkadlík, 1821; in the Museum of Czech Literature, Prague.
Josef Dobrovský
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Leonard Bloomfield
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Zellig S. Harris
American scholar
Jerzy Kuryłowicz
Polish linguist
Mikhail Bakhtin
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Yury Valentinovich Knorozov
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L.L. Zamenhof
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Saint Cyril
Christian theologian
Saint Methodius
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John Locke
John Locke
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Noam Chomsky
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