Richard Boyle, 3rd earl of Burlington: Facts & Related Content

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Born April 25, 1694 • LondonEngland
Died December 4, 1753 (aged 59) • LondonEngland
Notable Works Chiswick House
Movement / Style Palladianism


William Kent
William Kent
British architect
Sir John Vanbrugh
British dramatist and architect
Westminster Abbey
Nicholas Hawksmoor
British architect
The Church of St. John, Smith Square, Westminster, London; designed by Thomas Archer and built in 1713–28.
Thomas Archer
British architect
Inigo Jones
English architect and artist
Wood, John, the Elder: Queen Square
John Wood the Elder
English architect
John Wood the Younger
British architect
Robert Adam, oil painting by an unknown artist; in the National Portrait Gallery, London.
Robert Adam
Scottish architect
Norman Shaw.
Norman Shaw
British architect
Andrea Palladio: Villa Rotonda
Andrea Palladio
Italian architect
William Chambers
William Chambers
British architect
Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. The building was designed by Giacomo Antonio Domenico Quarenghi.
Giacomo Antonio Domenico Quarenghi
Italian painter and architect
The Radcliffe Camera, designed by James Gibbs
James Gibbs
Scottish architect
Vincenzo Scamozzi
Italian architect
Jacob van Campen: Mauritshuis
Jacob van Campen
Dutch architect
House in the Wood
Pieter Post
Dutch architect
Harrison, Peter: Redwood Library
Peter Harrison
British architect
Sir Christopher Wren, detail of an oil painting by Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1711; in the National Portrait Gallery, London.
Christopher Wren
English architect
Sir Philip Sidney
Sir Philip Sidney
English author and statesman
George IV
George IV
king of United Kingdom
