Plant Chemicals: Tasty and Terrifying

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“Plant Chemicals: Tasty and Terrifying” audio

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“Plant Chemicals: Tasty and Terrifying” transcript

Good day, listeners! You’ve tuned in to Botanize! with me, Melissa Petruzzello, your host and the plant and environmental science editor at Encyclopædia Britannica. Thanks for joining in. I think you are in for a treat today. Most of these episodes so far have been at the organismal level, telling cool stories about mangroves, giant kelp, a humongous fungus, a stinking phallic flower—really fun stuff, if I do say so myself. But this time I’m going to switch it up a bit, and we’re going to take a biochemical/ethnobotanical turn and talk about plants and the chemicals they make and how those remarkable compounds affect and are used by humans. I am really excited about this topic, and there’s so much ground to cover that this is going to be a special two-part episode. So make sure to catch both segments as we discuss how plant chemicals somehow cross biological kingdoms and affect human bodies in flavorful, painful, mind-altering, curative, and even deadly ways. I hope that caught your attention! It’s going to be a fascinating tour.

Before we get into the specifics, first I obviously need to touch on the biochemistry side of things. Plants (and fungi and algae) have remarkable chemical-making abilities. Many of these chemicals are known as secondary metabolites. While primary metabolites are molecules that are found in all plant cells and are necessary for life at the most basic level, such as amino acids, proteins, sugars, etc., secondary metabolites are pretty much all the other chemicals you might find across the plant kingdom. Think nicotine in tobacco, for example, or rubber from the rubber tree. Secondary metabolites serve an incredible array of functions, many of which we don’t even understand. Unlike the primary metabolites, which are found in every cell, the secondary metabolites are often localized in just some part of a plant body. For example, maybe a particular poison is only in unripe fruits, or a coloring pigment is only found in the flowers. These chemicals do things like attract pollinators, give a plant a competitive edge against other plants, protect against UV radiation (which is really important if you’re literally exposed to the sun for your entire life), or signal that a seed or fruit is ready to be dispersed. Secondary metabolites are all those special chemicals out there that give plants their colors, their smells, their tastes, and their pharmacological properties. We’re talking many, many thousands of chemicals, which, as I said, is why this topic will be addressed in a two-part episode.

Some certain chemicals—or types of chemicals—might be a characteristic of all the members of a plant family or of a particular genus, while others might be found only in one species in the whole world. There are also some secondary metabolites, or “phytochemicals” as they’re also known, that have popped up multiple times in unrelated plants through the miracle of evolution. That is to say, some species independently came up with the same (or very similar) chemical as something useful for their particular circumstances. For example, you can find the same lemon-scented chemical, citral, in lemongrass, lemon verbena, lemon myrtle, lemon balm, and a number of other unelated but lemony plants. Like citronella, a similar chemical, citral likely has some insect-repelling properties, which multiple plants figured out on their own. Plants are basically solar-powered chemical-making factories, and evolution has directed the synthesis of so many incredible compounds to help them flourish. As organisms that can’t move to defend themselves or to attract a mate or to send their progeny out into the world, plants rely on chemicals to get those jobs done. And what’s so fascinating is that even though we think of ourselves as being so different from plants, we are also biochemical beings, and those plant chemicals can interact with our bodies in amazing ways.

OK, so we’ve dipped our toes into a little introduction of secondary metabolites, and now we’re going to dive into some examples and stories.

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To get us started with how plant chemicals interact with us, I thought we’d begin with some of the most familiar and accessible secondary metabolites: those involved with taste and flavor. To that end, may I introduce you to one of the most flavorful plant families—and one of my favorites—the mint family, Lamiaceae. (Sidenote on the Latin names of plant families: They all end in the suffix -aceae, and you’ll hear a wide variety of pronunciations of that. Latin is a dead language, after all. I’m sure someone knows how it should actually be said, but I often heard “ay-cee-ay” or “ay-cee,” so that’s what I go with.) So, back to the mint family, Lamiaceae. It’s just super fun, and so many of the herbs we know and love, especially in Western cuisine, but also definitely in the East, are flavored with these plants. These include mint, as you might have guessed, all the basils, sage, rosemary, oregano, thyme, lemon balm, lavender….The list goes on. Uh, but, if you think about how those various herbs hit your tongue and nose somewhat similarly, you might be able to intuit that their secondary metabolites, their essential oils, are chemically related. All those warm scents and flavors are aromatic phenolic compounds, which are characteristic of many members of the family. These chemicals are stored in microdroplets of oil in the glands of the plants, usually in the leaves and stems. We humans have figured out how to extract these tiny droplets, and many are now widely marketed for use in aromatherapy. They are called “essential oils” because they were once thought to be the very essence of the plant, and they do have a long history of use in traditional and herbal medicine. When we cook with herbs of the mint family and with many other herbs and spices, the oils get out into our foods, and, remarkably, our tongues and brains understand them as something delicious.

Another flavor-rich family is the carrot family, Apiaceae, which will also pop up in some of the other categories of this episode. Lots of chemical-making going on in this family! Herb-and-spice-wise, though, the carrot family brings us dill, cumin, caraway, anise, parsley, lovage, fennel, cilantro, and the little dry fruits of the cilantro plant, coriander. All of those enlivening flavors are also due to the magic of phytochemistry and the amazing ways that our taste buds can perceive these secondary metabolites. (Sidenote: If you hate cilantro, blame your genes and not the plant chemicals! A genetic variation is responsible for making a delicious gift of heaven taste like dirty soap to you. I’m sorry about that. You’re really missing out.)

There is, of course, a long list of herbs and spices that flavor the cuisines of the world, all of which are enjoyable because of the planty ability to make chemicals that interact flavorably with our bodies. Not every herb or spice contains essential oils, though many of them do, and, surprisingly, not every secondary metabolite associated with flavor is just passively perceived by our taste buds. There is a plant out there, known as miracle fruit, with a chemical that actually changes your tongue’s perception. In this nifty display of biochemical prowess, miracle fruit temporarily makes sour things taste sweet! I actually wrote Britannica’s article on the plant (pat on my back), and it was so incredible to learn about that I just had to buy the fruits to try them myself. I was not disappointed—10 out of 10, recommend! For about 45 minutes, you and your tongue get to enjoy a world free of sourness. You can literally put lemon juice in your coffee or tea and you have a sweetened beverage without, might I add, the associated rise in blood sugar. In fact, you can just lick a lemon, and it tastes like some yummy sweet fruit you’ve never tried before. But don’t eat too many lemons while on miracle fruit, because you can still burn your tongue with the citric acid that you are no longer tasting. Ask me how I know.

But let me reiterate, all this is a chemical change at the tongue level, not a hallucination, lest you think I’m recommending some crazy plant drug to you (more on those in the next episode). No, the active chemical in miracle fruit is a secondary metabolite known as miraculin, discovered by a Japanese scientist. It is a glycoprotein that binds to receptors on human taste buds, temporarily blocking and altering the perception of sour foods. The fruits and the extract have been used to help chemotherapy patients who suffer from altered taste perception. It also holds promise as a non-glycemic low-calorie sweetener, though no one has really developed that idea yet. So there you go—million-dollar idea to save us from our sugar addiction. Get on it, enterprising listener. We also don’t really know what miraculin does for the plant, so there’s another area of research for someone. But isn’t it incredible that this random chemical in a random fruit can dramatically affect the human tongue? It is so unexpected and so niche.

Speaking of tongues and plant chemicals (did you like that segue?), it’s now time to mention spicy peppers. Spicy peppers, of the genus Capsicum, get their heat from a nitrogen compound known as capsaicin and sometimes other chemicals known as capsaicinoids. These spicy chemicals are found within the pepper fruits, in the internal ribs and the pithy parts that hold the seeds. Unlike the flavorful secondary metabolites of herbs and spices, which are perceived by taste buds, capsaicin works on our tongues in a different way. It activates a protein called TRPV1, which normally senses heat, like a hot beverage or blazing cheese from a slice of pizza. When the protein is triggered by capsaicin, just as with a hot drink, your brain rapidly tells your tongue that there’s heat in your mouth with a helpful pain signal. So, capsaicin isn’t really a flavor as much as a burst of pain—something of a tiny bit of culinary masochism that humans around the world participate in with our spicy foods.

So, why do peppers make such a burning chemical? Well, to deter seed herbivory is the obvious answer, but the story is actually really cool because evolution is amazing. Rodents and other small mammals tend to grind up mild pepper seeds with their teeth, meaning that no viable embryos will make it through the digestive tract. Birds, however, swallow the seeds whole and are definitely known as helpful seed dispersers. So, through the millions of years of R&D that is evolution, spicy peppers came up with a chemical warfare strategy that deters rodents by burning their tongues but doesn’t affect birds, because they lack that special TRPV1 tongue protein. So, spicy peppers and their capsaicin are essentially welcoming the only helpful animals, the birds, to eat their fruits. Pretty nifty, huh?

Now I, of course, have a pepper story of my own. I like to garden, and a few years ago I saw a pepper called bhut jolokia for sale at my local nursery, and the little sign below it said simply “very hot.” My husband especially enjoys very spicy Asian cuisine, and we both like to cook, so I brought the little plant home. And it grew into a spectacular pepper plant, the prettiest one I’ve ever grown—large, verdant, full of fruits. We finally picked one, and my husband cut two small strips of the flesh and put them in a Moroccan stew for about five minutes before fishing them back out. Five minutes. We then tried to eat this stew. Now, I like some spiciness. My husband, as I said, likes very spicy—you know, like, sweat-pouring-down-his-face-is-still-a-good-time sort of spicy. But this level of heat was astronomical. The first bite of that stew felt like I was putting a burning light bulb in my mouth; there really felt like there was literal heat everywhere—in my mouth, in my nose, in my sinuses. We were crying and laughing, because it was so ridiculous, and trying to douse it with water and then with milk. It was hot and thoroughly unpleasant and painful. The stew was completely inedible, though we did take a few tentative sips more for science, of course. Uh, then I looked it up more carefully, and the bhut jolokia is actually a type of ghost pepper. And in 2007 ghost peppers held the world record for the spiciest peppers on Earth. They have since been supplanted by the blistering Carolina Reaper, but that didn’t matter much to our mouths. On the Scoville scale that rates the spiciness of peppers, ghost peppers come in at more than 1,000,000 Scoville heat units, which is 400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce! A jalapeño, for reference, has only up to 8,000 Scoville units, so no wonder we were suffering! And I learned to not buy “very spicy” mystery peppers without reading about them first.

And chili peppers and capsaicin will helpfully transition us to our next group of plant chemicals—those that inflict pain. This part of the episode is going to be showcasing some plants and their chemicals that harm human bodies in contact with them. There are, of course, plants and plant chemicals that harm human bodies if ingested, but I’m saving the deadly plants for part two, so don’t miss it! Since we were just discussing hot peppers, I thought we’d begin with plants that burn you, and I have two titillating examples that, hopefully, you’re not personally familiar with.

We’ll begin in my neck of the woods, with the manchineel, found in coastal areas of southern Florida, the Caribbean, and parts of Central and South America. It looks something like an apple tree and is even called “beach apple” in some English-speaking areas, but don’t be fooled. Its name in Spanish, manzanilla de la muerte, better conveys its true nature, translating to “little apple of death.” The apple-like fruit will damage you and possibly kill you if you eat it, but all parts of the plant are considered extremely toxic. Just touching it can give you some very painful blistering contact dermatitis. The sap of the tree is especially potent, and burning the wood can create chemical-laden smoke that can literally sizzle your corneas. The tree is so intense with its chemicals that even just standing under it during a rainstorm can result in you getting burned by the raindrops dripping down the leaves and bark. And, sadly, there are lots of reports of tourists, wearing just their swimsuits, taking cover under the manchineel during an afternoon rain and paying a painful price for their ignorance. Many places do mark the trees with a red X or put up a barricade with signs, but, obviously, it is a wild tree, and it’s not going to be marked everywhere. So, the lesson here is that it pays to know some plants when you travel somewhere, and also just do as the locals do, and don’t mess with the manchineel. It has figured out biochemical warfare.

The plant is armed with a whole slew of caustic chemicals. It has gone to great lengths to make an array of harmful metabolites in every part of its body, but I couldn’t quite find a good source to explain why. One theory is that maybe it serves to deter animals who would live within the tree, like a burrowing bird or something, but all this toxicity seems a bit extra, honestly. Interestingly, at least one of its many chemicals, an ester known as phorbol, is used in biomedical cancer research, which reminds us that even the most disagreeable organisms may be really important to us. We have hardly begun exploring the potential of the many tens of thousands of phytochemicals out there, which is a compelling and utilitarian argument for the protection of biodiversity. You just never know what the plants are brewing up out there, so we might as well save them in case. But of course, whether something is directly useful to us or not, I’d argue that even the toxic organisms deserve life and habitat.

Unless, of course, they are invasive and painful species, like our next plants, the hogweeds. Hogweeds are about as attractive as their name suggests. These tall Eurasian relatives of the carrot (remember, I said we’d see the carrot family again) are considered invasive species in North America. And they are nasty. They have protected their leaves and sap with a class of chemicals called furocoumarins, or furanocoumarins. Furocoumarins cause phytophotodermatitis—phyto meaning “plant,” photo meaning “light,” and dermatitis meaning “skin inflammation.” These frightening chemicals impair your skin’s ability to handle UV radiation. So, if you brush up against a hogweed in the shade, you might not notice anything, but step into the sunlight and—bam—you suddenly (or within 48 hours) have a severe, blistering, swollen, chemical burn. Some of these burns can be second- or even third-degree burns, and scarring can happen. The photos of it are really quite terrible; I do not recommend Googling those images. And you can be blinded if you get it in your eyes. Really scary stuff.

Moreover, hogweeds aren’t the only plants that can do this! Astonishingly, many citrus fruits also have these chemicals, with those burns often called “Margarita burns” or “lime disease” (l-i-m-e). Thankfully, it is pretty rare to get burned by citrus, which is why you may have never heard of this phenomenon, but, you know, be careful next time you’re making ceviche in the sun.

So, what’s the deal with furocoumarins? Am I going to say that they’re for herbivore deterrence again? Yes! Yes, I am. But also it seems that these secondary metabolites ward off fungal attacks, so it may be that these plants primarily developed them to prevent fungal diseases and got the secondary benefit of deterring herbivores and horribly burning unwitting humans! Aren’t phytochemicals so cool?

Next I’d like to switch gears from the burning plants to the stinging ones. I imagine you are probably familiar with stinging nettle. It is found nearly worldwide, and I think a lot of people have had at least one run-in with those dang prickly leaves. Fun story: I didn’t really grow up around stinging nettle, and when I finally moved somewhere where it grew, I had the bad habit of grabbing the leaves to see which type of mint it is. It is not a mint. I finally learned to not be an idiot botanist and can now identify stinging nettle by sight alone. The leaves and stems of stinging nettle are covered in plant hairs, called trichomes, and many stinging nettle trichomes are highly modified to be, well, stinging. These tiny hairs have a bulblike tip, and, when you brush against the plant and break off the little bulbs, a slew of very tiny hypodermic needles stab you full of a stinging cocktail. And, because plants are just so spectacular, included in this cocktail is histamine, which you may know of allergy fame; serotonin, an animal neurotransmitter associated with human moods (and also found in a number of animal venoms); acetylcholine, another neurotransmitter in animals; and formic acid, which is found in most ants. There is so much going on there! While many plants synthesize secondary metabolites that are unique to the plant kingdom, here’s a plant that is making so many chemicals that are really important in the animal kingdom, and it is making them to hurt animals! Oh, I love it. As you may have personally experienced, all these irritating needles and their tiny injections of pain give you a pretty uncomfortable tingling sensation, but usually not longer than 12 hours. Stinging nettle is used in traditional medicine in many places, and you can actually eat it without consequence if you cook it first. So, it is harmful and helpful!

Our next plant is our final plant, and it is really a doozy. I hope you’re ready. Venture into the rainforests of northeast Australia and you might encounter a plant that kinda is the stuff of nightmares. The gympie-gympie is a relative of stinging nettle and features similar needlelike hairs, but the discomfort of a brush with stinging nettle isn’t even a blip on the scale of what the chemicals in the gympie-gympie can do to a person. First, let’s talk about what happens if you don’t even touch it—if you’re just near it. The needles are apparently easily made airborne, and breathing them in can irritate your airways and make you violently sneeze, and you might produce some pretty nasty blood-tinged mucus for a day or two afterwards. Foresters and scientists working around the tree must wear respirators. But let’s say that you accidentally do get into the tree. The venom contains a variety of phytochemicals, including a potent neurotoxin, and those alone can trigger an intense allergic reaction, sometimes even causing anaphylactic shock. The sting causes excruciating, debilitating pain at the site of contact but also, a bit later, in your lymph nodes. People have variously described it as feeling like they are being burned by acid, electrocuted, or squashed by giant hands. One poor man, smacked in the face and arms by the plant, could not sleep for several days from the agony and said it was a pain like no other. There are several accounts of horses, mad with pain, jumping off cliffs to their deaths after being stung. I even read that two people were hospitalized for 36 hours for the pain, and it wasn’t responding to morphine. As if that isn’t bad enough, the pain can linger for days or weeks, triggered by things like a shower or change in temperature, pressure to the site. Some people have even reported flare-ups for many months or years afterward. The longevity of the sting is thought to be at least in part due to a chemical known as moroidin. Moroidin is an unusual peptide and, redeemingly, shows promise as an anticancer agent. Once again, these botanical chemicals, even in terrifying plants, may be really useful to humans.

You might think something as devastatingly armored as the gympie-gympie would be impervious to herbivores, but, alas, it seems that a number of insects and at least one marsupial find the leaves to be delicious. I don’t know exactly which defenses the marsupial has, but plants and insects commonly participate in what is known to be an evolutionary arms race. A plant makes physical or biochemical defenses against an insect predator, and then the insect evolves a resistance or workaround to that defense. Basically, things continue that way until one or the other hits an evolutionary dead end with their strategies and gives in to either being eaten or finds a new plant to eat. This type of evolutionary pressure is behind many of the plant chemicals we’ve discussed today, especially with these painful plants and their defensive metabolites.

OK, so now you’ve heard a handful of examples of the various ways that chemicals produced by plants interact with our very distantly related bodies. From the myriad of flavors that make our foods delicious and interesting to the defensive chemicals that burn, sting, or maim us, plant secondary metabolites are as diverse and interesting as the plants that make them. I hope this little survey of tasty and painful plants has been fun and informative. Plants are so much more than passive organisms, and they do so much more than just sit around producing oxygen, though photosynthesis is a biochemical miracle in its own right! I hope to talk about it sometime. Anyway, be sure to tune in next time to part two, where we’ll continue with plants and their chemicals that alter our brains, heal our bodies, or kill us outright. Gonna be a blast.

For Britannica, I’m Melissa Petruzzello, and you’ve just listened to Botanize! episode 12, “Plant Chemicals: Tasty and Terrifying,” which was produced by Kurt Heintz. Until next time, stay curious!

This program is copyrighted by Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Tasty secondary metabolites Terrifying secondary metabolites
Melissa Petruzzello