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Also known as: isolation

Another separation procedure based on liquid-solid equilibria is zone melting, which has found its greatest use in the purification of metals. Purities as high as 99.999 percent often are obtained by application of this technique. Samples are usually in a state of moderate purity before zone melting is performed.

The zone-melting process is easy to visualize. Typically, the sample is made into the form of a thin rod, from 60 centimeters to 3 meters (2 to 10 feet) or more in length. The rod, confined within a tube, is suspended either horizontally or vertically, and a narrow ring that can be heated is positioned around it. The temperature of this ring is held several degrees above the melting point of the solid, and the ring is made to travel very slowly (a few centimeters per hour) along the rod. Thus, in effect, a melted zone travels through the rod: liquid forms on the front side of this zone, and solid crystallizes on the rear side. Because the freezing point of a substance is depressed by the presence of impurities, the last portion of a liquefied sample to freeze is enriched in the impurities. As the molten zone moves along, therefore, it becomes more and more concentrated with impurities. At the end of the operation, the impurities are found solidified at the end of the rod, and the impure section can be removed simply by cutting it off. Ultrahigh purities can be achieved through multistage operation, either by recycling the ring several times or by using several rings in succession.

Rate separations

Field separations

Electrophoresis, described in an earlier section of this article, is an important method in the separation of biopolymers—namely, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules and proteins. Electrophoresis is conventionally conducted on plates or slabs as in thin-layer chromatography. To maintain the ionic buffer solution on the plate, some anticonvective medium or gel is necessary, and the method is thus called slab-gel electrophoresis. Polyacrylamide or agarose is typically used as the gel material.

As noted earlier, electrophoresis separates on the basis of charge. Size separation or sieving can also be important applications of gels; in this case the pore dimensions of the gel are comparable to the dimensions of the biopolymers. The gel matrix then becomes a resistance to the migration of the substances in the electric field, and separation is based on the size of the molecules, with the smallest migrating the fastest. This principle is essential for the separation of DNA molecules, since these species cannot be electrophoretically separated without the porous gel matrix. An important application of this method is DNA sequencing in which the order of the four nucleotides (adenine, cytidine, guanine, and thymidine) in an oligonucleotide molecule must be determined. The method thus aids in the sequencing of the human genome.

Proteins can also be electrophoretically separated by gel sieving. In this technique, the protein is denatured (i.e., its higher structural features are destroyed) and combined with an excess of detergent, such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The resulting SDS-protein complexes have the same charge density and shape and are therefore resolved according to size in a gel matrix. This method is useful in characterizing proteins and evaluating their purity.

In addition to being separated by size, proteins can also be separated according to their specific charge residues. A particularly useful method based on this principle is isoelectric focusing (IEF). At a given pH of a solution, a specific protein will have equal positive and negative charges and will therefore not migrate in an electric field. This pH value is called the isoelectric point. A slab gel (or column) can be filled with a complex mixture of buffers (known as ampholytes) that, under the influence of an applied field, migrate to the position of their respective isoelectric points and then remain fixed. A pH gradient is established, which then allows focusing of proteins at their respective isoelectric points.

Charge (IEF) and size (SDS-protein complex) separations can be combined in a two-dimensional approach. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis is one of the most powerful resolving methods now available.

Electrophoresis can also be used in a preparative mode. In continuous-flow paper electrophoresis, the sample is continuously fed (with a salt solution) at the top center of a vertically mounted sheet of paper. As the sample flows down the paper, it is subjected to an electrical potential at right angles to the direction of flow. The various species disperse across the paper, depending on their charge and mobility, and drop from the coarsely serrated bottom edge of the paper into receivers.

Another field-separation technique, ultracentrifugation, involves separation on the basis of the centrifugal force created by very rapid rotation (50,000 revolutions per minute or more). Different species, depending on their masses, will settle at different speeds under these conditions. Ultracentrifugation finds its greatest use in the separation of polymeric materials, such as proteins and nucleic acids.

Field-flow fractionation consists of a series of methods based on a field applied perpendicular to a flow stream in a narrow channel. Because of friction at the channel walls, the velocity of the liquid will be faster in the center than at the walls. In sedimentation field-flow fractionation, for example, the channel is spun and the applied perpendicular field is a centrifugal force (gravity). Particles sediment toward the channel walls and reach a steady-state position. Since the flow velocity is nonuniform across the channel, the rate of migration will vary for different substances, resulting in separation. The applied force can be centrifugal, electrical, or thermal. Field-flow fractionation is best suited to particle- or colloid-size substances. An example is the separation of latex particles used in paints. Other methods of particle separation are discussed below.

Electrolytic separations and purifications are effected by taking advantage of the different voltages required to convert ions to neutral substances. A particularly important example of this method is the refining of copper. Copper ores typically contain minor amounts of other metals that are not removed by the initial processes that reduce the ores to the metal. A slab of the impure copper and a sheet of pure copper are placed in a vessel containing a solution of sulfuric acid in water, and the two pieces of copper are connected to a source of direct electric current, so that the pure copper becomes the cathode and the impure copper becomes the anode. The anode dissolves, the metal atoms becoming positive ions that migrate through the solution to the cathode. The voltage between the electrodes is regulated so that, as the metal ions arrive at the cathode, only the copper ions are reduced to metal atoms, which deposit on the cathode. Some of the original impurities, such as zinc and nickel, remain as their ions in the solution, because their conversion back to neutral metal atoms requires a higher voltage than that of the system; other impurities, such as silver and gold, never dissolve at all, but, as the atoms around them dissolve, they fall to the bottom of the vessel as a slime from which they can be recovered by other processes.

Barrier separations

Several separation methods depend on penetration of molecules through semipermeable membranes. Membrane filtration involves simple migration resulting from a concentration difference on the two sides of the membrane. In ultrafiltration, this diffusion through the membrane is accelerated by means of a pressure difference. In electrodialysis, an electrical field accelerates the migration.

Unrestricted migration of the individual components of a solution results in equalization of the concentration of each component throughout the solution. All the components take part in this process: there is just as much tendency for the solvent to diffuse from regions where its concentration is high (and the solution is therefore dilute) to regions where its concentration is low (and the solution is concentrated) as there is for the dissolved substance to diffuse from regions where it is concentrated to those where it is dilute. In many separations, attention is focused on the tendency of the dissolved particles to migrate, while the corresponding tendency of the solvent particles to migrate is largely ignored. Osmosis, however, is a phenomenon in which only the solvent is free to migrate through a membrane that separates two regions of different composition. The solvent, driven by its tendency to move from the region where its concentration is higher, passes from the dilute solution into the concentrated one and would continue to do so indefinitely if the liquid levels on the two sides of the membrane remained the same. But, as the solvent passes through the membrane, the amounts of the two solutions become unequal, and the resulting difference in pressure eventually brings the migration to a stop. This pressure difference is called the osmotic pressure of the solution.

In a separation technique called reverse osmosis, a pressure is applied opposite to and in excess of the osmotic pressure to force the solvent through a membrane against its concentration gradient. This method is an effective means of concentrating impurities, recovering contaminated solvents, cleaning up polluted streams, and desalinizing seawater. Dialysis, a technique frequently used in biochemistry, is a membrane-separation method used for removing dissolved salts from solutions of proteins or other large molecules.

Particle separations


Particles such as viruses, colloids, bacteria, and small fragments of silica and alumina may be separated into different fractions of various sizes and densities. Suspensions of relatively massive particles settle under the influence of gravity, and the different rates can be exploited to effect separations. To separate viruses and the like, it is necessary to employ much more powerful force fields, such as those produced in an ultracentrifuge.