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Madhva (born 1199?) belonged to the tradition of Vaishnava religious faith and showed a great polemical spirit in refuting Shankara’s philosophy and in converting people to his own fold. An uncompromising dualist, he traced back dualistic thought even to some of the Upanishads. His main works are his commentaries on the Upanishads, the Bhagavadgita, and the Vedanta-sutras. He also wrote a commentary on the Mahabharata and several logical and polemical treatises.

He glorified difference. Five types of differences are central to Madhva’s system: difference between soul and God, between soul and soul, between soul and matter, between God and matter, and between matter and matter. Brahman is the fullness of qualities, and by its own intrinsic nature brahman produces the world. The individual, otherwise free, is dependent only upon God. The Advaita concepts of falsity and indescribability of the world were severely criticized and rejected. In his epistemology, Madhva admitted three ways of knowing: perception, inference, and verbal testimony. In Madhva’s system the existence of God cannot be proved; it can be learned only from the scriptures.

Bondage and release both are real, and devotion is the only way to release, but ultimately it is God’s grace that saves. Scriptural duties, when performed without any ulterior motive, purify the mind and help one to receive God’s grace.

Among the other theistic schools of Vedanta, brief mention may be made of the schools of Nimbarka ( c. 12th century), Vallabha (15th century), and Chaitanya (16th century).


Nimbarka’s philosophy is known as Bhedabheda because he emphasized both identity and difference of the world and finite souls with brahman. His religious sect is known as the Sanaka-sampradaya of Vaishnavism. Nimbarka’s commentary of the Vedanta-sutras is known as Vedanta-parijata-saurabha and is commented on by Shrinivasa in his Vedanta-kaustubha. Of the three realities admitted—God, souls, and matter—God is the independent reality, self-conscious, controller of the other two, free from all defects, abode of all good qualities, and both the material and efficient cause of the world. The souls are dependent, self-conscious, capable of enjoyment, controlled, atomic in size, many in number, and eternal but seemingly subject to birth and death because of ignorance and karma. Matter is of three kinds: nonnatural matter, which constitutes divine body; natural matter constituted by the three gunas; and time. Both souls and matter are pervaded by God. Their relation is one of difference-with-nondifference. Liberation is because of a knowledge that makes God’s grace possible. There is no need for Vedic duties after knowledge is attained, nor is performance of such duties necessary for acquiring knowledge.


Vallabha’s commentary on the Vedanta-sutras is known as Anubhashya (“The Brief Commentary”), which is commented upon by Purushottama in his Bhashya-prakasha (“Lights on the Commentary”). His philosophy is called pure nondualism—“pure” meaning “undefiled by maya.” His religious sect is known as the Rudra-sampradaya of Vaishnavism and also Pushtimarga, or the path of grace. Brahman, or Shri Krishna (the incarnation of Vishnu), is viewed as the only independent reality; in his essence he is existence, consciousness, and bliss, and souls and matter are his real manifestations. Maya is but his power of self-manifestation. Vallabha admitted neither parinama (of Samkhya) nor vivarta (of Shankara). According to him, the modifications are such that they leave brahman unaffected. From his aspect of “existence” spring life, senses, and body. From “consciousness” spring the finite, atomic souls. From “bliss” spring the presiding deities, or antaryamins, for whom Vallabha finds place on his ontology. This threefold nature of God pervades all beings. World is real, but samsara, the cycle of birth and death, is unreal, and time is regarded as God’s power of action. Like all other Vedantins, Vallabha rejected the Vaisheshika relation of samavaya and replaced it by tadatmya, or identity. The means to liberation is bhakti, which is defined as firm affection for God and also loving service (seva). Bhakti does not lead to knowledge, but knowledge is regarded as a part of bhakti. The notion of “grace” plays an important role in Vallabha’s religious thought. He is also opposed to renunciation.


Chaitanya (1485–1533) was one of the most influential and remarkable of the medieval saints of India. His life is characterized by almost unique emotional fervor, hovering on the pathological, which was directed toward Shri Krishna. He has not written anything, but the discourses recorded by contemporaries give an idea of his philosophical thought that was later developed by his followers, particularly by Rupa Gosvamin and Jiva Gosvamin. Rupa is the author of two great works: Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu (“The Ocean of the Nectar of the Essence of Bhakti”) and Ujjvalanilamani (“The Shining Blue Jewel”). Jiva’s main work is the great and voluminous Shatsamdarbha. These are the main sources of the philosophy of Bengal Vaishnavism. Chaitanya rejected the conception of an intermediate brahman. Brahman, according to him, has three powers: the transcendent power that is threefold (the power of bliss, the power of being, and the power of consciousness) and the two immanent powers—namely, the powers of creating souls and the material world. Jiva Gosvamin regarded bliss to be the very substance of brahman, who, with the totality of all his powers, is called God. Jiva distinguished between God’s essential power, his peripheral power that creates the souls, and the external power (called maya) that creates cosmic forms. The relation between God and his powers is neither identity nor difference nor identity-with-difference. This relation, unthinkable and suprarational, is central to Chaitanya’s philosophy. For Jiva, the relation between any whole and its parts is unthinkable. Bhakti is the means to emancipation. Bhakti is conceived as a reciprocal relation between mortal and God, a manifestation of God’s power in humanity. The works of Jiva and Rupa delineated a detailed and fairly exhaustive classification of the types and gradations of bhakti.